Spy X Family Elite Figumiz Statues
The Forger Family from Spy X Family is Figurama Collector’s first-ever 3-statue release and our second installment in the Elite FigumiZ lineup, a series that features a variety of styles and a smaller footprint, all while providing the same eye-catching dynamics and attention to detail found in our larger-scale pieces. The Forger Family statue set features Loid Forger (husband/father), Anya Forger (daughter), and Yor Forger (wife/mother). Each character statue comes with a matching base, so your collection of the Forger family will be cohesive and highly complementary of one another when displayed on your shelves!
Anya Forger’s statue showcases her in front of one of her favorite hobbies – watching television, as she is poised with excitement as she waits for her favorite show, Bondman to air! For those purchasing the whole family Bundle on our website, Anya’s statue will also come with an exclusive swappable – the family’s beloved pet, Bond! The TV set displayed with Anya can be removed and swapped for the lovable Bond. The base is a nod to the Forger family home, with the walls set with pictures of the family wrapped around all sides.